About Us



We Offer So Much More Than Investment Management

At Lighthouse Wealth Group, we have one goal – to help improve your financial health. We strive to create comprehensive wealth strategies for your maximum potential and ultimate freedom – allowing you to focus on your most important personal, professional, and spiritual goals. We seek to accomplish this in four ways:

  • Extensive financial planning – The ever-changing landscape of exciting hills and worrying valleys can be almost impossible to navigate effectively without an experienced guide. Let our team of advisors help you adjust to market shifts and uncertainties to best fulfill your goals.
  • Independent, objective solutions – We will assess your financial situation with an unbiased search for the proper solution. We will help look for the best options for our clients’ goals and futures without a predisposed loyalty to a certain brand or product.
  • Knowledgeable advice – We will continually grow in knowledge to offer our clients the most current information.
  • Shareable wisdom– It’s our goal to help you fully understand the implications of any decisions involving your financial future. We will not simply offer recommendations without ensuring your comprehension and complete approval.

When Working in an Advisory Capacity, We Follow the Fiduciary Standard

We always focus on your goals. When acting as an Investment Advisory Representative, we have a fiduciary duty that obligates us to provide our clients with advice in their best interests when servicing advisory accounts. Financial advisors like our team at Lighthouse strive to follow the fiduciary standard when providing services to their customers; it holds advisors to a high standard of care and requires us to act as a fiduciary in an advisory relationship. The Regulation Best Interest rule enacted by the SEC in 2019 increased standards for brokerage relationships. However, investment advisers and their representatives are held to a fiduciary standard when acting in an advisory capacity. Trust is essential to your relationship with anyone who handles your investments, and we commit ourselves to uphold the standard daily and honor your confidence in us.

We Use a Team Approach

Our team uses comprehensive wealth strategies to achieve your family’s unique goals and aspirations. We are continually advancing our education in the financial field so that your accounts stay updated with current trends and improvements. Wealth management is not just our job; it is our passion!

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Questions And Answers

Answers To Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Preparing your company for any kind of transition, planned or unplanned, requires someone who can focus on your goals and lifestyle while providing guidance throughout the process. A Certified Exit Planning Advisor­­® (CEPA) is rigorously trained to make certain that your personal, professional, and financial goals are in alignment while helping you assess the best strategies for you to build value in your company. Working with you as a holistic business advisor, we strive to ensure those goals remain achievable as you move forward in the process of transferring your company.

Absolutely. We work with you to understand what you expect your life to look like for you and your family after retiring. Once we have a clear vision of your expectations, we analyze your financial resources to see if they can support your lifestyle in retirement.

If it does, we want to give you the confidence knowing that you can live out your hopes and dreams in retirement. If not, then we help you get on the right path to achieve the resources you need before retirement.

Everybody’s situation is very different and personal. Our goal is to understand your unique needs, and create a custom-tailored solution designed to fit your personal situation.

We consider education to be the biggest part of our practice. We take the necessary time to make sure you are educated on your plan and understand why we made specific strategy recommendations. We provide numerous resources that explain each part of your plan.

We also provide access to a wide network of other professionals that work in related fields or specialize in specific financial categories, so that we can provide you with comprehensive wealth strategies designed for success.

Yes, we work with families and family-owned businesses – first, second, third generation – with both the parents and children to educate them on their financial situation and family legacy.

Nope. Our philosophy since our firm was founded in 2002 is to do what is right for our clients: we don’t push products. We stay 100% independent and give true, objective investment advice.

Our practice was built to help entire families, including the second and third generation, learn and steward their wealth wisely. Again, every family is unique, but we can work with kids of our clients who are teenagers and would like to know the basics of financial planning or budgeting. We also work with adult kids to help them manage their own situation and understand what it takes to manage a sizeable inheritance. We’ve worked independently with different families where confidentiality is important to family members. We have also had family meetings where we have walked through the family’s wealth with the second and third generations and collaborated with the entire family. What we find is that there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to working with families. Afterall, we’re your trusted family advisors.

Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

We always treat you with respect. We make sure you are educated on your specific plan. We operate with strict integrity. We consider working with you a partnership in commitment to reaching your goals.

We’re in a relational business, and we take pride in the relationships we keep with our clients. We enjoy ongoing conversations, getting to know our clients on a professional and personal basis. We have formal review meetings throughout the year and provide regular courtesy check-ins. We also hold multiple events throughout the year – both educational and entertainment. We keep a 24-hour rule during the week that requires us to respond to any inquiry or comment you may have within that time frame. Lastly, we use a team approach – meaning everybody on our team serves our clients.

Yes. We counsel people who receive wealth suddenly. It can be overwhelming and life changing. We help them through the process, so they can enjoy themselves while making wise decisions for their long-term benefit.

Yes, we utilize strategies to help reduce your tax liability from your investments. We also collaborate with your accountant or CPA and estate planning attorney to look at any tax planning that also helps reduce your overall tax liability for both the short and long term. If you don’t have someone, we can help introduce a tax planning professional or estate attorney we have vetted. Either way, it takes a team to collaborate on your behalf when it comes to taxes.

Yes, our goal is to understand what you want your family legacy to be and help educate you, the client, on all of the options and resources for setting up a lasting financial legacy. Every family is unique and has a different idea of what they want their legacy to look like. It’s up to our team to learn as much as possible about the family’s wealth and then implement the right resources so we can create a plan designed to have their wealth last for generations.

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